The Beta Switch Review

Monday 21 December 2015

Wrong diet plan threatens life

Struggling hard to get up early in morning, wear on the track suit, tie the shoe-lace, grab the nutritious drink and paved out at 6:00am to find a way to reduce obesity or get the features of the body in right dimension. Are you still simply thinking to acquire it, and feel sluggish on your bed or stuck up with your everyday rolling chair in office that pulls you whenever you think to work out.  Then it is something you really need to think hard- your life is under threat of improper lifestyle.
Recent survey has proven that more people are dying due to obesity than the ratio of people dying due to tobacco (which is caused because of improper diet and physical fitness). With leading death ratio, people need to get more focused on having a customized meal plan as well as proper body fitness on daily basis.

Let’s get closer to the explanation of customized meal plan- a phenomena of planning right meal at right time rationalizing the right proportion of nutrition in the body. In different countries, there are different way of balancing their diet. In India, people prefer to have three times meal (preferred as heavier breakfast, heavy lunch and light dinner) to keep their energy level aloft the whole day and also modulates the blood pressure and stomach ulceration. In certain countries, people prefer to have four small meals in a day as a proper diet and it also helps to reduce the obesity.
The phenomena of "alternate-day fasting" -- eating one day and fasting the next day might lessen the risk of heart disease and cancer. Though specific meals are aligned within parenthesis for different regions, yet it is important to map the diet according to individual basis, physical requirement, and physical appearance and according to their routine of life.
Apart from weight loss, planning right meal will also deliver you right amount of vitamins to body that rescues from lot many unexpected diseases waiting to intrude in human cell door. Here we are offering you the list of diseases that can be withheld with right intake of vegetables and fruits.
P.S. Vegetables in junk and greasy foods are absolutely not preferable and if you are really serious about being healthy. Chose to avert it.
1. Anaemia
Which is usually caused due to lack of iron in the body. Usually suffered by woman, they need t to imbibe food and drinks that are high in Vitamin A and C. Continuous intake of clean water is equally essential and helps to transport oxygen throughout the body.
2. Diabetes
Mainly caused due to unhealthy lifestyle, the insulin hormone is a human body helps to store fats and excessive fat that cannot be stored in insulin is sugar. Excessive sugar leads to diabetes when body could not further produce enough insulin.
3. Osteomalacia/Rickets
Due to the lack of absorption of vitamin D, this disease can weaken the bone and muscle strength. This can be reduced by ingesting vegetables that are rich in vitamin D, dairy products like milk, curd, yogurt and other rich vitamin D fruits.
In simpler words, one has to replace the absent nutrients in their phenomenal diet which will sack most of the mentioned diseases. Above all these mentioned disease, obesity is the founder of all. Living a healthy life is not an option, it’s a mandatory to lead a beautiful life.

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