The Beta Switch Review

Monday 21 December 2015

Diet Plan for Stage 4 Lung Cancer Patients

Stage 4 lung cancer is already a close to death condition. Anyone who is suffering with this disease has no other option but to live most of the days they have left with their family. However, there are a lot of things they can do in order to survive longer while fighting against it. One of the best things that doctors advise to their patients is to always stay fit by switching to a healthier lifestyle. That actually includes the ability to stop smoking and avoiding hazardous chemicals that can worsen their situation. Another way is to prepare meals where they can benefit healthfully.
Among other ways to prevent stage 4 lung cancer, consuming foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients is very much essential. Patients must be careful of what they prepare most of the time. Since they will only have months left to live, they are at risk to any cancer causing foods that can lead to their death earlier than what the doctor told them. In order for them to have the best diet plan, they can ask their doctor of what fruits and vegetables they can benefit from the most. For examples, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower contains antioxidants that can fight against cancer. Mushroom can be added in soups since it has lectin.  A protein that can fight against abnormal cells and fight against cancer cells that grows rapidly.
Aside from exercising which is highly recommended to stage 4 lung cancer patients, they must always avoid foods that are rich in additives, or too much salt and sugar. Processed foods are not helpful as well.  A variety of fruits and vegetables is highly advisable. Apple is rich in flavonoids that can prevent lung inflammatory. Green tea, foods high in lycopene and lutein are also beneficent. Dairy products such as yogurt contains a package of nutrients. Economical and a great meal to prepare a meal that has protein content is to include eggs.
A healthy diet like organic, plant based whole foods and special category of foods found in nature are helpful to strengthen our immune system. It can attack other diseases and illness. If there is only a pill that contains all of the fruits and vegetables for a cancer diet plan, however there is none. For those who do not want to suffer from stage 4 lung cancer, we must follow the cancer diet plan now as advised to us by our doctor.

Diets That Works - Colour Diet

Very original and unconventional colour diet based on the results of several studies (not all scientists agree). Every day of the week you should use the same colour products. Colour diet allows you to lose about 5 kilograms per month and you can spend all your life using this diet.
Monday - white
Boiled potatoes, bananas, rice, milk, cheese mozzarella, spaghetti, coconut flesh, boiled chicken egg, chestnuts, cauliflower.
The “white” products contain many carbohydrates, so it is necessary to control the amount.
Tuesday - red
Red beans, tomatoes, cherries, red currants, basturma, dry red wine, red sweet peppers.
Such products as cranberry, beet, red grapes and berries get their colour from flavonoids, antioxidants more powerful than Vitamin C.
Flavonoids in red wine protect the heart.
Antotsiandins, the most powerful flavonoids, give the colour to red grapes, blueberries, blackberry and black currants.
Red increases blood circulation, increases muscular tone.
Wednesday - green
Vegetables, green herbs, kiwi, green tea, cucumbers, sea cabbage,
Brussels sprouts and broccoli - a rich source of chlorophyll and magnesium, necessary for the nerves, muscles and hormonal balance.
Thursday - orange
Carrots, papaya, salmon, mango, sea-buckthorn, pumpkin. Watermelon, carrots, mangoes, apricots, peaches, papaya and tomatoes contain carotenoids like beta-carotene, a likopen also have strong anti-cancer properties and prevent aging.
Friday - violet
Dark grapes, blackberry, blueberries, black currant, plum, tarragon.
Violet slows down the metabolism, causes drowsiness.
Saturday - yellow
Pineapple, peaches, apricots, sweet yellow peppers, courgettes, sweet yellow apples, corn, honey, beer, egg yolks. Corn and yellow peppers are rich of kartenoid (powerful antioxidants).
Yellow - the “ANTIPYRETIC” Switch thoughts about food for intellectual thought. And creates excellent mood!
Only mineral water.
Don’t forget to consult your doctor before applying any of these diet plans.

Nutrition & Fat Loss_ How To Diet Properly

Looking to lose fat or go on a diet regime that actually works? Then you have to follow some simple, proven techniques and strategies that can really help you shed those pounds!

The first and most important rule in weight loss is the amount of calories you eat. Forget the macro nutrients fat, carbohydrates and protein for the moment, you can cut out as much carbohydrate as you want, if you are eating too many calories from protein and fat you will not lose a milligram in weight.
You may have lost weight quickly in the past doing this, but did you put it back on? The majority of you will say yes. Why? The weight you lost during that diet was mostly water out of your body, you didn’t lose any fat or bodyweight. The body is about 60% water depending on body size, so it is quite easy to quickly drop weight without losing any fat.
To lose actual body fat you must cut your calories by about 500kcal below your daily usage.
Work out your daily calorie usage with our BMR calculator
Carbohydrates should consist of about 40% of your daily intake. Get rid of all those empty carbohydrate calories like sugar and processed foods and cereals. The bulk of your carbohydrates should come from real foods in their unprocessed state.
Great carbs to eat are:
Sweet potato
Brown rice
Brown pasta
Brown bread
Rolled oats
All vegetables
Far from cutting carbohydrates out of your diet they should be a vital part of it, especially if you a training at the gym to burn extra calories. The aforementioned slow release fibrous carbohydrates will keep you fuller for longer, give you bundles of energy and also keep you regular!
Simple carbohydrates such as dextrose, white potatoes, white rice etc can be taken post workout only. These carbohydrates will promote fat storage at other times of the day, but post workout are perfect for boosting energy levels and will not be stored as fat.
Protein should consist of about 40% of you daily intake
Protein is vital for active people and especially for those training regularly. Whilst losing weight we want to keep as much muscle mass as possible to appear toned. Protein will help rebuild muscle fibres after workouts and also keep you feeling fuller for longer
Great sources of protein are
Lean chicken breast without skin
Protein shakes
Egg whites
Basically all lean meats, fish, poultry etc!
For vegetarians good vegetable sources of protein are couscous, cottage cheese and wheat based products
Fat should consist of about 20% of you daily intake
Cut out virtually all saturated fats, these bad fats are terrible for you health and body composition. As a rule of thumb, any fat that is solid at room temperature steer clear of. Any fat that is liquid at room temperature is ok!
Foods that contain bad fats are
Fried food
Ready meals
You get the picture… basically staw away from all the food you know you shouldn’t be eating and also refrain from drinking fizzy drinks, even the ‘diet’ ones. The ingredients contained in these drinks will heavily promote fat gain and storage.
Good fats
Good fats are essential for healthy living and can help you lose body fat and beat cravings. The body needs these types of fat to perform literally thousands of processes in the body, including normal hormone production, which will aid in a desirable body composition.
Sources of good fats include:
Olives & Olive oil
Avocado & avocado oil

The Truth About Weight Loss Diet Patch Effectiveness

Lose weight without the sweat!

That is a weight loss diet patch is a promise, sold thousands of stores both local and online. Weight loss diet patch, according to some companies, is a revolutionary weight loss product designed to help people lose weight without diet and exercise. But how effective weight loss diet patch?
Weight loss diet patch is just one of the millions of weight loss products bombarding the market, indicating that there is a magic weight loss. These products boast of providing the fastest, painless and easiest way to lose weight. They also argue that a quick fix when it comes to weight problems.
How does it work?
Weight loss diet patch is topical medication. Clicking on the skin, rather than ingested, so the effect is faster because it does not transfer through the digestive system. When pressed on the skin, the patch releases chemicals that either increase metabolism or suppress the appetite. The chemical composition of each product is different, so be sure to check the labels before buying.
, Because diet watches on the skin, they can be hidden from the public eye and cause very little disturbance. You can wear them to work, while shopping, while doing household chores. In addition, diet patches are said to be 24-hour effect, so you do not have to keep changing it all day.
What is it?
Currently, the weight loss diet patch comes in different forms. There are weight loss patches that contain Hoodia, an active ingredient that helps suppress appetite and increase muscle mass. There is also a seaweed weight loss diet patch, which claims to help boost metabolism and suppress appetite.
Weight Loss Diet Patches can have one or more of the following:
and Fucus vesiculosus - natural sea plant extract mainly used for weight control
and 5 HTP helps prevent carbohydrate cravings that result in overeating.
o Guarana - Amazon Indians The chemical has been used as a stimulant and stress treatment
o Zinc Pyruvate - claims to enhance fat burning, boost endurance, increase lean muscle mass, decrease blood glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood.
and Mate - says eliminate hunger sensation
and Lecithin - helps break down fats and cholesterol, preventing arterial congestion. It also helps to cleanse the liver and flush the body of waste from the kidneys
and L-carnitine helps burn fat and convert it into energy
Does it work?
There is not yet enough research to support the weight loss diet patch is effective. Due to the large volume produced and sold every day, authorities are difficult to track every product that comes out. As a result, many fraudulent products have made it to the shelves.
Bogus patches
Despite these problems, the government has tracked down and closed several retailers selling fake weight loss patches on the market. According to reports, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) instructed the weight loss patch transdermal Brand Products International Marketing Corporation and its retailer, SG health and education, the Institute Inc., selling fake weight loss patches.
The Chinese government also sued the Chinese weight loss patch manufacturer of America's seven-point thinness. This weight loss patch is said to flush out fat from your system when you stick it on your skin. However, studies have shown that the patch is a special oil that looks like a thinking, it's your fat, which fools users.
Best Weight Loss Solution
Weight loss patches Most studies effectiveness is still inconclusive. Consumers should not be easily fooled requirements or potential customer comments about these weight loss patches. The best way to lose weight is, and always has been, eat less and exercise more. If you follow these two simple steps, you do not even need weight loss supplements or patches, and you can be sure that the effects are long-lasting.

Vegetarian Diet Does Not Make You More Spiritual

It's common for people in the New Age arena to believe the myth about a vegetarian diet and spirituality, that it's necessary to become enlightened.

The pro-vegetarianism contention goes something like this: "I am 100% for life and I love animals, so I avoid eating meat. Animals are my friends. Why would you eat your friends? A vegan diet brings more peace and enlightenment to every living being."
Or, the argument goes like this: "Eating meat is akin to murder. Plus, it's too heavy; plants are much lighter and better for your body, thus, your spirituality is enhanced on a strict vegetarian diet."
Never mind that there's never been a strict vegetarian civilization in the history of the planet that has survived for any length of time.
If it's true that eating meat is murder, that means that most animals, including humans, are murderers. That bacteria, those cute little micro-organisms you just killed by washing your hands? That makes you a murderer too, as does killing plants, which are also living organisms.
About twenty years ago, we learned firsthand about the myth of a vegetarian diet and spirituality. We avoided animal products for many months. Even though we took a careful approach, including doing internal cleansing along with the diet transition, in time we realized it's a dysfunctional diet for our body type.
A strict vegetarian diet brings you closer to God all right--it decimates your health if you stay on it long enough. It saps your energy, makes you vitamin deficient (e.g., vitamin a, and b-vitamins), and eventually, makes most people look and feel unhealthy.
It was very telling how much energy we had, bouncing off the walls, when we first had a vitamin b-12 supplement, after not having animal products for a long time--we were vitamin b-12 deficient. Unfortunately, supplements and toxic substances like processed, unfermented soy aren't good, long-term substitutes for the nutrition your body needs.
The concept of a vegetarian diet and spirituality has been warped beyond recognition, in our view.
Don't get us wrong, we do believe short-term vegetarianism can be very healthy, such as doing a vegetable juice fast for a while. We've done three week herbal cleanses (no meat or animal products, no starches, etc.) that we believe have been very helpful for detoxification and our overall health.
Dr. Mercola of advocates a vegan-rich diet, along with free-range, chemical-free meats. He claims that only less than 30% of the population has the body type that tolerates strict vegetarianism, or veganism. We believe it may be lower than 30%, based on our observations. Even those who say, "I had my blood-work done, it shows I'm fine," may be fine for now, but the longer you avoid vitamin rich animal products, the more likely your health may suffer.
Here's a video from a former vegetarian who speaks of the dangers of a strict vegan diet. She says that after a year of an approximately 95% vegan diet, she felt great, but then her health began to decline:
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It's astonishing how many people buy into the vegetarian diet and spirituality myth and erroneously believe it's more spiritual, when the exact opposite is true for most people.
We've meditated regularly and undertaken other spiritual disciplines, such as Reiki, for many years and we can assure you that eating a diet that works for your body, even if it includes animal products, won't negatively affect your spiritual growth or cause you to incur negative karma.
While it's true that it's not easy to meditate and get closer to your God-self (or higher-self, etc.) after eating a huge steak dinner, avoiding meat altogether is likely to negatively affect your health over the long-term.
It's okay to have believed the falsehood about a strict vegetarian diet and spirituality, but now you should act on the truth.
Vegetarian Diet Does Not Make You More Spiritual

What Happens When You Get Too Little Protein in Your Diet

Proteins are composed of long chain like forms of amino acids. Amino acids are basic and fundamental to life. As a chemical compound, it is made of amine and carbonyl functional groups. To put it simply, they are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and on some rare occasions, sulfur. These four or five materials build themselves into various chain-like structures and form different types of protein. Protein is the life line of human health.

Human cells, muscle tissue, and the organs of the body are made up of protein. Long chains of amino acids are structured to make different types of proteins. There are 22 types of amino acids and the human body needs all of them to be healthy.

Different types of proteins in our body execute different body functions. Our body's strength, its flexibility and elasticity are taken care of by a protein called collagen, and our hair and skin are composed of the same protein.

Proteins we consume through food are broken down into amino acids in the process of digestion and absorbed by the body only to be rebuilt into different types of proteins that are the requirement of the body. There are twenty two kinds of amino acids essential for the human body. And in that 14 are produced by the body and the remaining 8 are to be obtained though food.

Complete and incomplete Proteins

A protein that can be obtained through one food source like a meat or dairy product is called a complete protein. A complete protein is obtained generally though meat, diary products, eggs, fish and poultry. Vegetables, fruits and nuts do not contain all the essential proteins in one food items and so it is termed as incomplete.

Importance of Proteins

For proper growth, sustenance and repair of body cells, for the health of muscles, tissues, organs and for body function like metabolism, digestion, transportation of nutrients and oxygen through blood circulation, proteins are imperative.

Apart from that more importantly for the production of antibodies, or in other words, antibodies are little soldiers who fight any infection that invades into our body and fights diseases and makes us healthy. The healthy skin and shining hair of which we are proud of is due to the proteins.

Too little Protein means ill health

Like our grand mothers say often, 'anything too much or too little is harmful' is absolute truth in case of protein. Too much protein intake leads to many uncomfortable physical complications just as too little of protein intake can lead to complications.

Protein is needed to repair and create new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes and muscles and lack of protein would impair these important body functions leading to grave situations. Many foods which supply protein do contain certain other minerals and vitamins like iron, a lack of which creates an eternal tiredness and fatigue. The person who lacks iron feels weak and becomes listless with lack of energy.

Physical activities consume protein daily, and so it is essential to give regular supply of protein to the body daily. And too little protein can cause severe skin ailments and would make you look lusterless and pale.

Children need a lot of protein as they are in the phase of growing and insufficient protein in children hampers their growth very much.

For a period of time if the body fails to get sufficient amount of protein through food, it starts breaking the muscles which contain large amount of protein to fulfill its need. This means eroding of the muscle and it is generally known as muscle wasting. And prolonged such situation leads to a vicious cycle of protein energy malnutrition where in when the body does not get any other source of energy, body's muscles and organs a re broken down for energy. The digestive system suffers with the loss of cell lining which is important for absorption of nutrients from the digested food. Thus a vicious cycle of poor diet and insufficient absorption of nutrients from food lead to severe body wasting.

So, too little protein intake is dangerous and very harmful to health.

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The Ultimate Six Pack Abs Diet

Six Pack Abs Diet Tips

When your goal is to get shredded six pack abs, sticking with the correct six pack abs diet will be essential to your success. On the other hand, if you fail to feed your body the right foods, you will not get the results you want -- no matter how hard you work out.
When you make poor choices with your six pack abs diet, it's easy for you to eat a surplus of calories in a short period of time -- and this can make it virtually impossible for you to get the abs you want.
I will now explain five foods that are tremendous for your dietary needs, when your mission is to attain rock-solid, ripped six pack abs.
Egg Whites
For a convenient and fast source of protein, egg whites are the answer. Make an egg white omelette, or scramble them. I find them to be delicious, and more importantly they are 100% pure protein and will handle this element of your six pack abs diet.
Also, your body will digest egg whites rapidly. This makes them an alternative to making shakes with protein powder.
The second six pack abs food to add to your diet regularly is oatmeal.  As far as slow digesting, high fiber carbohydrate sources go, nothing is better than oatmeal.  Be sure you purchase plain oats though; otherwise you will get a lot more sugar and calories than you bargained for.
Ideally you should have oatmeal at times in the day when you are most active since its then that your body can really use the extra fuel.
Getting essential fatty acids each day is important in your quest for six pack abs.  Salmon is perfect food to handle this part of your diet and will also provides much-needed protein.
Ounce for ounce, salmon contains more calories than other sources of protein such as chicken breast. Just be sure to consider this when you're calculating your daily intake of calories. This will keep you on track to keep melting fat off your midsection.
My diet always includes this vegetable, because it is really low in calories while being high in fiber and having plenty of antioxidants -- which help you to maintain your health. Personally, I prefer to steam or stir-fry my broccoli with low-calorie sauce -- because when you eat your broccoli with butter or cheese sauce, it stops being a good type of food for getting six pack abs and becomes one that will likely cause you to gain fat!
Just be aware that broccoli can cause gas or bloating in some individuals, so I advocate working it into your diet slowly at first to see its effects on you.
Finally, the last food that I recommend that you eat regularly is blueberries. They contain a huge amount of antioxidants and will really help you to maintain good health. As there are merely 50 calories in a half cup, they're super easy to add to your diet -- just toss some in your bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Or, you can stir them into your yogurt or blend them into your protein shake before going to the gym.
Start integrating these six pack abs foods into your daily food intake, and they will help you get the results you are after. Keep in mind that you need to stay aware of the number of calories you take in each day, to make sure that you are always on track with your mission -- which is to be healthy, of course, but also to attain ripped six pack abs through a proper six pack abs diet.

You Can Cure Weak Eyesight Naturally With Healthy Diet And Natural Remedies

Many people are less concerned about the health of their eyes. But, it is important to take care of eyes, because about 80 percent of our routine activities are done with the help of eyesight. Moreover, eye vision dulls as we age due to several faulty habits. For example, years of poor dieting and, straining eyes are two of the several factors that can contribute to getting poorer eyesight. However, it is a fact that a large portion of the population is using artificial lenses to aid their poor vision. Nevertheless, artificial lenses can certainly correct vision but, on temporary basis only. Nonetheless, there are several natural methods to cure weak eyesight. And, they are getting immensely popular because of their effectiveness in correcting vision problems on permanent basis. So, some of the tips that can be incorporated into lifestyle, habit, and diet to cure weak eyesight naturally are mentioned below.

1. Eating fruits that are rich in antioxidants are very useful in treating poor vision naturally, for example blueberries, and strawberries. Moreover, fruits rich in antioxidants also help to prevent development of age related macular degeneration which is one the leading cause for vision problems.
2. Bilberrries or European berries are very beneficial for correcting vision problems. Moreover, they are rich in antioxidants as well as anthocynosides which may help to cure weak eyesight.
3. Green vegetables are not only important to stay fit and healthy but also to resolve vision problems. In particular, eating spinach is highly beneficial, because it contains lutein which can prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.
4. Red onions can help to cure weak eyesight. Moreover, it contains quercetin which is useful in restoring health of eyes.
5. Blinking is suggested by many experts for preventing vision problems. Moreover, blinking moisturizes the eyes, and clears pollutants to protect eyes.
6. Exercising is also essential for avoiding vision problems. Moreover, walking for 30 minutes in the morning on regular basis would help to prevent vision problems. Furthermore, physical activities help natural lenses of eyes to work properly.
Additionally, it is essential to eat healthy diet in order to cure weak eyesight. Moreover, eating fish is considered to be very helpful in preventing poor vision, because it contains vitamin A and vitamin D which are needed by the body in producing protective pigments in the eye. Furthermore, one of the biggest facts behind vision problem in today's world is prolonged hours on television or computer screens. Nevertheless, adjusting computer screen to proper viewing distance which is 20 to 24 inches and correcting viewing angle up to 10 to 20 degrees from mid-screen to top of the screen is very essential to avoid poor vision.
In conclusion, the tips and suggestions mentioned above can help to cure weak eyesight. In addition, they could at least bring your eyes to healthy state which is extremely essential to prevent serious eye problems, such as cataracts. However, healthy lifestyle and nutritious eating habits highly affect the eyes which may prevent you from experiencing vision problems.

Wrong diet plan threatens life

Struggling hard to get up early in morning, wear on the track suit, tie the shoe-lace, grab the nutritious drink and paved out at 6:00am to find a way to reduce obesity or get the features of the body in right dimension. Are you still simply thinking to acquire it, and feel sluggish on your bed or stuck up with your everyday rolling chair in office that pulls you whenever you think to work out.  Then it is something you really need to think hard- your life is under threat of improper lifestyle.
Recent survey has proven that more people are dying due to obesity than the ratio of people dying due to tobacco (which is caused because of improper diet and physical fitness). With leading death ratio, people need to get more focused on having a customized meal plan as well as proper body fitness on daily basis.

Let’s get closer to the explanation of customized meal plan- a phenomena of planning right meal at right time rationalizing the right proportion of nutrition in the body. In different countries, there are different way of balancing their diet. In India, people prefer to have three times meal (preferred as heavier breakfast, heavy lunch and light dinner) to keep their energy level aloft the whole day and also modulates the blood pressure and stomach ulceration. In certain countries, people prefer to have four small meals in a day as a proper diet and it also helps to reduce the obesity.
The phenomena of "alternate-day fasting" -- eating one day and fasting the next day might lessen the risk of heart disease and cancer. Though specific meals are aligned within parenthesis for different regions, yet it is important to map the diet according to individual basis, physical requirement, and physical appearance and according to their routine of life.
Apart from weight loss, planning right meal will also deliver you right amount of vitamins to body that rescues from lot many unexpected diseases waiting to intrude in human cell door. Here we are offering you the list of diseases that can be withheld with right intake of vegetables and fruits.
P.S. Vegetables in junk and greasy foods are absolutely not preferable and if you are really serious about being healthy. Chose to avert it.
1. Anaemia
Which is usually caused due to lack of iron in the body. Usually suffered by woman, they need t to imbibe food and drinks that are high in Vitamin A and C. Continuous intake of clean water is equally essential and helps to transport oxygen throughout the body.
2. Diabetes
Mainly caused due to unhealthy lifestyle, the insulin hormone is a human body helps to store fats and excessive fat that cannot be stored in insulin is sugar. Excessive sugar leads to diabetes when body could not further produce enough insulin.
3. Osteomalacia/Rickets
Due to the lack of absorption of vitamin D, this disease can weaken the bone and muscle strength. This can be reduced by ingesting vegetables that are rich in vitamin D, dairy products like milk, curd, yogurt and other rich vitamin D fruits.
In simpler words, one has to replace the absent nutrients in their phenomenal diet which will sack most of the mentioned diseases. Above all these mentioned disease, obesity is the founder of all. Living a healthy life is not an option, it’s a mandatory to lead a beautiful life.

Why We Recommend You Should Read About Paleo Diet Review

What is Paleo Diet?
The Paleo Diet is among the healthiest way you can eat because it uses a nutritional approach that works with one's genetics that aids in keeping your body slender, strong and enthusiastic. Research in most food and diet expertise and Paleo Diet Review shows that this Diet is the modern diet full of refined foods.

It is also known as the Caveman Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet, Paleolithic Diet or Stone Age Diet. This diet has become popular in most fitness enthusiasts. It typically includes eating what the people during Paleolithic age were eating such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. However, a Paleo Diet limits foods such as dairy products, legumes and grains.
Is Paleo Diet the right choice for you?
Although the Paleo Diet may not be the best for everyone who doesn't agree with some of its food limitations, it has been proven to give a healthy alternative for those who are eager to lose weight and improve their health as a whole. Like any other diet surfacing the market, this Diet needs to have balance of all the food being eaten. This scheme is for you to get all necessary nutrients that the body needs without overeating. this Diet is just the perfect choice for you because it is a natural way of losing weight with lesser risk to your health.
What are the advantages of following Paleo diet?
For many people, the reality of Paleo Diet giving those best results is all they need. From improved blood lipids, reduced pain from eating less and weight loss is the only thing that followers love about Paleo. However, many are still not satisfied with the results that this Diet has to offer. Others are keen enough to know how things really work; thanks to Paleo they have all answers to their critics.
• Healthy cells
The Paleo Diet naturally offers a perfect balance of saturated and unsaturated fats which in return balances the healthiness of every cell.
• Healthy brain
Fish such as salmon is one of the best sources of protein and fat which is capable of releasing omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, when eating fish, it helps strengthen the eyes, heart and the most important, the brain development and function. Omega-3 can also be found in pasture raised meats and eggs.
• More muscles, less fat
When following a Paleo Diet, your health relies primarily on the protein intake from animal flesh. This protein helps in creating new cells such as muscle mass.
One should know that the more muscles you have, the higher chance of increasing metabolism. When muscle cells are increased, fat cells shrink.
• Better Gut life
You don't want to have a "leaky gut syndrome", which is when your intestinal walls are breached and leak some of the things that should not be inside the walls. To avoid having this kind of syndrome, stay away from sugar and other processed foods to avoid inflammation of intestinal tract. this Diet allows you to avoid eating sweets and other processed meals while still keeping your body energetic.
• Get enough vitamins and minerals
This Diet allows its followers to eat a large part of vegetables. Eating all kinds and colors of the vegetable variety helps you in gaining more vitamins and minerals.
• Better digestion and absorption
It also suggests eating foods that have the ability to digest easily. For people who are having difficulties with their digestion system, follow a strict Paleo Diet and you will see positive results.
• Fewer Allergies
Allergic capable foods such as grains and dairy are not included in this Diet, which is why you can really avoid getting your allergies back.
• Weight loss
Paleo Diet is following a low carbohydrate diet plan, which removes processed foods and ignites weight loss.
What are Paleo diet disadvantages or side effects?
Despite being regarded as the most effective weight loss diet scheme, the Paleo Diet Review has also showed a few disadvantage or side effect. First, Paleo Diet relies mostly on meat; however today meat is not all lean as compared to the age thousands of years ago. Secondly, the diet lack on some of the important micronutrients such as calcium and vitamin D.
Best 15 tips on how to use Paleo Diet?
1. A Paleo Diet should include eating foods high in fat, moderate in animal protein and low or moderate in carbohydrates.
2. A Paleo Diet should include eating generous amounts of saturated fats such as coconut oil, butter or duck fat. These are advised only if the animals are healthy and well-treated. Other sources of good fat are olive, avocado and macadamia oil.
3. Try to eat ample amounts of animal protein like meat poultry, eggs, shellfish, fish and red meat.
4. A sufficient amount of fresh vegetables is also good in the Paleo diet. Sweet potatoes and yams are also great alternative for non-cooked vegetables and a good source of non-toxic carbohydrates.
5. Only eat moderate amounts of fruits and nuts that are low in sugar but high in anti-oxidants.
6. Choose to eat pasture raised and grass eating animal meats. It is also best to prefer organic meats, fruits and vegetables.
7. Avoid eating cereal grains and legumes including wheat, barley, corn, brown rice, peanuts, beans and soy.
8. Avoid the use of hydrogenated oils which includes margarine, soybean oil, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil.
9. Cut off the drinking of soft drinks, processed sweets and juices.
10. Do not eat dairy products other than cream or butter. If it can't be followed, try to use just fermented dairy.
11. Eat only when hungry, but don't overeat. Its okay to skip one or two meals, there is no law that requires you to eat three meals a day.
12. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
13. Do not over exercise.
14. Supplement your body with vitamin D, magnesium, iodine and probiotics.

Tips On How to Evade Beyond Diet Complaints

It is assured that life is far more uplifting when you don’t have something to complain about or that dissatisfies you. Happiness is not fleeting; it’s a realizable goal that can be attained with the proper approach and progressive stance. Much is also the same with the popular Beyond Diet eating plan and program. To better help you avoid having any Beyond Diet complaints, the following tips can help you better decide whether or not this program is right for your lifestyle.
Gluten-free Diets are Not for Everyone

Are you aware of what a gluten-free diet entails? Many people simply are not. Gluten-free means that you are no longer consuming any products that contain any wheat byproducts whatsoever. This basically removes many popular food items from your plate for good. It means a massive lifestyle change in the way you eat. If you are not prepared for this change, you may encounter Beyond Diet complaints along the way.
Daily Exercise is Required for Any Diet
How often do you work out? A common misconception is that there are short cuts to losing weight. When in fact there are no short cuts. Dieting is hard work. It requires patience, diligence and pursuit. If you are not ready to start working out every single day, then changing your food diet will do little for weight loss and you will have Beyond Diet complaints.
Are You Prepared to Alter Your Lifestyle?
Think of Beyond Diet like a new life. It’s a lifestyle that many people happily live. They’ve successfully changed the way that they think about food, health and fitness to go on to live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. This drastic change is not suiting for everyone. Be prepared for massive changes, setbacks, uncertain times and plenty of frustration along the way as you adapt to your newer, healthier life.
Use the 60 Day Trial to Avoid Beyond Diet Complaints
There has been much misconception about this program that has tragically fomented too many Beyond Diet complaints from unaware members and past members. In actuality, there is one surefire way to fully avoid any and all Beyond Diet complaints. The site offers a 60 day refund period to all new members. That’s two long months you have to try out the program and see if it will work for you. If not, simply request a cancellation within 60 days of signing up, and a full refund will be promptly issued.
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The Western Diet

The Western Diet may be responsible for more deaths than all the wars America has been tragically involved. Daily,over 2,000 people die from heart disease. Almost 1,000 more die from complications of diabetes. Recently, our government released statistics noting that 26,000,000 people have diabetes. Tens of millions more have prediabetics (their blood sugars are not high enough to be called diabetics). Where does all this misery come from? Our diets! Embedded in the American diet are huge amounts of sugar, in many forms. There is the obvious pastries in various formats. But more sinister is the way manufacturers and food processors have carefully ingrained sugar into their products. From cereals to can foods, from chinese cuisine to pizza, carbs are highly concentrated in these foods. In the early 1970s high fructose corn syrup(HFCS) was introduced into the food chain. This sugar is a balance between fructose and plain sugar, commonly called glucose. Manufacturers find it easy to work with HFCS and find it economically palatable to utilize. Concomitantly with this sugar's introduction, the number of diabetics has increased exponentially and is getting worse. HFCS attacks the pancreas destroying the beta cells that make insulin. The manufacturers of this poison deny their is a problem, but the medical literature speaks otherwise. From 1970 through today the intake of sugar has doubled to approximately 180 pounds for each citizen. The reason for the level of obesity in this country is obvious. The media pays lip service to this problem, and unfortuantely so does the government. When we set out to derive a diet, thousands of patient diets were reviewed. When certain foods and food groups were curtailed, people lost weight safely and rapidly.These were the origns of the regimen that became the Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss. This is a program based on patient experiences. The Western diet is a killer. Too many people are dying before the age of fifty directly related to their eating habits. Next article will discuss ways to reduce your weight in a very effective manner.

Full-Fat food_ A beneficiary diet

There is a boom in the food industry due to more and more requirement of low-fat food. Some people encourage for the full fat diet whereas other say to avoid it at any cost. If you are planning to lose your weight or maintain the cholesterol level by the low fat diet, then it is not going to work. Low-fat must has at least 3 grams of fat per serving. The type of fat eaten might be more important than the amount of fat. Originally, we think that the low fat food is good for us. This is not fully true that the low amount of saturated fat in our diet will lead to improve our health. The fat nutritionally does extra than the simply supplied calories. Full fat not only contributes heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity but also help in preventing them.

 Need of full-fat diet
1. The essential fatty acid including Omega-3 is present in certain fat like fish, nuts and seeds. These fats are very essential to make hormones, maintain the healthy blood vessels and help in the correct functioning of the nervous system. Very low- fat diet leads you to be lower in vitamins, affect the immunity, and limit the ability of the body to heal.
2. Full-fat dairy products contain Butyrate, which provide energy to the cell, inhibits inflammation and prevent the bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
3. Dairy products also have Phytanic Acid, Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA). The former acid help to improve the insulin sensitivity and the latter one reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.
4. Cheese being a fatty food is packed with protein.
5. Butter helps our body to absorb the healthy nutrients found in the vegetables.
Carotenoids - the nutrient rich compounds help in the absorption of disease- fighting antioxidants mainly found in colorful vegetables. Butter also helps in the consumption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.
6. Coconut reduces the risk of heart disease since it is a package of saturated fat. Coconut contains lauric acid that raises your bad cholesterol and help in boosting up the good cholesterol.
7. Eggs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals. Egg yolk is rich source of choline that is an essential micronutrient for the functioning of liver and helps one’s body to convert the fat into energy.
8. Full-fat yogurt can help in the reduction of the risk of obesity and help you to lose weight.
9. Avacado boosts the intake of dietary fibre and help in losing the body weight.

Health Diet - Ketogenic Diet to Assist With the Treatment of Epilepsy

The emphasis of this diet is high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrates and therefore definitely not developed for any weight loss as it is the opposite of any other diet you can think of.

Scientific studies however have proved that this diet could assist with reducing or preventing epilepsy in youngsters even the hard to treat cases that could not be controlled by medication. It has been medically proven that over half of the youngsters that go on this diet have a 50% reduction in their seizures and at least 10-15% become seizure free.
Most of the children on the ketogenic diet continue to take their seizure medicines however some are able to take smaller doses now that they are on this diet and depending on their physician this reduction can be started, safely, as early as the initiation period of this diet.
Be very aware however that if the child goes off the diet [even for one meal] the effect of the diet may be lost, it is very difficult for the parent to get the child to maintain this diet 100%, especially if the youngsters siblings are eating normal diets and have free access to the fridge. Strict control over the youngster is needed and a dietitian could assist in designing a ketogenic diet that is interesting and containing some of the child's favorite foods.
Meal example
Cheese omelet, olive oil and steamed broccoli
Wedge of cheese
Hamburger patty topped with cheese and a salad with mayonnaise
Protein shake with coconut oil
Salmon with asparagus and olive oil
This ketogenic diet forces the body into burning fats rather than carbohydrates [similar to the Atkins diet] and this generates glucose which we know helps with the functioning of both body and brain. This is due to the low carbo intake which forces the liver to convert fats into ketones and as more ketones are produced the body goes into a state of ketosis, this is beneficial to the children with hard to treat epilepsy as ketosis acts as a anti-convulsive.
Easy to solve/prevent side effects
1) Nausea and vomiting due to the high fat content, this can be minimized or prevented by a slow increase in the fat over a few days.
2) Drowsiness and lethargy due to the increase in the ketone levels, take note of the child's energy levels before the diet and as your child adjusts to the ketones you will see an improvement in their alertness and a lot less drowsiness.
3) Constipation, a common side effect that can be avoided by a good fluid intake and including high fibre, low carb vegetables into the diet. A daily dose of a stool softener could also help the child with no ill effect.
4) A less common side effect is kidney stones, avoid this by ensuring the child has a good daily fluid intake.
Other side effects
Elevated blood lipids, checked on a follow up, should return to normal levels when going off the diet and can be controlled with additional supplements.
Remember: All parents considering a ketogenic diet for their child should discuss this with their doctors

Does Your Diet Affect Your Sex Life_

Our diet affects everything; our energy level, body composition, strength, endurance, stamina, mental cognition, body odor, mood, sex drive, sleeping habits and overall vitality. The health and wellbeing of every living creature on earth significantly depends on their diet and the quality of all they consume. When you eat junk and processed foods, your body produces more fat, lowers your energy and even reduces your brain power. If your diet is consistently of low quality; long-term health issues and chronic illnesses can occur, affecting every aspect of your life.

Several medical journals state the number one cause of impotence is clogged arteries, which makes perfect sense as proper blood flow is needed for maintaining an erection. The same goes for a woman in being able to experience orgasm, as the vagina and clitoris are more sensitive when they become engorged with blood. Good circulation is essential for an enjoyable sex life, as well as a healthy heart. Couples that indulge in fast-food cheeseburgers and greasy fries on a regular basis may not have as enjoyable sex life as some who eat healthier.
There is a lot of truth to the old saying ‘you are what you eat’. As we all know, whatever we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, and hormones. Our bodies are literally manufactured out of the food we consume, considering approximately 300 billion cells are reconstructed every day. We are constantly recreating ourselves and can greatly influence our bodies and reshape our self-image based on what we choose to ingest.
Those who maintain a well-balanced diet of raw, fresh organic foods generally are more fit, healthy, strong, happy and naturally sexy. Health conscious and physically active people tend to have a more robust sexual appetite, as well as have sufficient stamina to endure vigorous love-making sessions – certified orgasmic! It has also been reported by various studies and surveys that people who eat healthier, primarily a vegetarian diet of fresh fruits and whole foods have a more pleasant body odor and also taste better during oral sex.
In an episode of Sex in the City, Samantha declares to her lover, “You’ve got funky-tasting spunk! Giving head [to you] is like a trip to the rotten-egg buffet.”
Albeit a rather harsh and disgusting statement, it is actually true that semen comes in various flavors! Men who eat pineapple, kiwi, plums, nectarines, oranges, lemons, limes, parsley, cilantro, spearmint, peppermint and green tea may have sweeter tastier ejaculate than those who eat meat, garlic, onions and dairy products. Although highly nutritious, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus can make for some nasty tasting emissions. It is also important to stay hydrated for a smoother flow rather than a clumpy mess. But who wants to swallow that stuff anyway?
Of course it is similar in the taste of a woman as her natural pheromones and vaginal secretions can differ with her diet as well. Good hygiene and eating light and healthy will certainly affect the way you smell and taste down below. Eating light before sexual activity will also provide sustained energy – much better than a big heavy meal that slows you down and can cause abdominal pain during intercourse. Sex after exercising is the best, as your muscles are loose and your blood, juices and pheromones are flowing. Exercising with your partner can be a bonding and arousing experience as well.
The bottom line is the more physically active you are and the healthier your diet is, the better you feel and the more satisfying your sex life is, thus naturally yielding a higher quality of life.
Supplements are also an important aspect of our diet. It is not necessary to take dozens of different vitamins every day when we strive to eat well, however well-balanced herbal supplements such as Add Lib for women can help increase energy, improve your mood and provide vital nutrients and antioxidants. It is especially beneficial for women over 30 who are feeling their bodies and metabolism gradually change. Add Lib contains all-natural herb extracts from Fenugreek Seed, American Ginseng, Damiana, Cordyceps, Maitake, Maca, vitamin B12, Wulinshen and Passionflower to help rebalance a woman’s complex system and supply sustained energy throughout the day. Learn more about Add Lib here.
If your guy needs a boost, tell him to try Mdrive – a similar daily supplement designed specifically for men looking to increase energy, strength, stamina and sex drive. Mdrive helps to naturally increase testosterone which regulates much of the body’s functions. Help him REFIND his PRIME with Mdrive and gain back what time has taken.

Diet And Health - The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is known to be good for you - but as with most diets there can be a misconception that it's expensive to follow.

But often a shopping expedition to a pharmacy or health food store isn't always necessary. When the growing season is in full bloom, there are often many opportunities to source your nutrition from the wild. This is certainly the case when it comes to dandelion and nettles. As a low cost alternative to supplements, they're vitamins and minerals in unadulterated form.

Dandelion has a rich history as a nutritious food with medicinal properties. The word "dandelion" comes from the French "dent de lion" or "lion's tooth." This is in reference to the plants leaves, which have jagged-edged.

The official name for the flowering plant is Taraxacum from the Asteraceae family. The word Taraxacum has its basis in the Greek language, and its definition is "remedy for disorders."

The dandelion is native to Europe and Asia, with two species found as weeds globally. Common in the northern temperate zone, dandelions grow in pastures and meadows, on waste ground and by roadsides.

The head of a dandelion is actually a small cluster of yellow flowers. Being plenteous, it's no wonder the plant came into wide usage in the past and continues so today.

Concerning nettles, there are numerous species of the plant. However, Stinging nettle (officially called Urtica dioica) is the perennial flowering plant used as nutritious food. Native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa and North America, it also goes by the name "common nettle."

Stinging nettle grows between 3 to 7 feet in height during the summer. It has soft green leaves with edges that resemble a serrated knife. The leaves and stems have non-stinging hairs and many stinging hairs. The chemical compounds in hairs that come off when touched emit chemicals that cause a sting, hence the name.

Today there is much concern about unhealthy fats in one's diet. Many are espousing the benefits of a Mediterranean diet instead. Common fare for people of this region includes plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruit, fish and the use of olive oil.

Dandelions traditionally find themselves as salad greens in the Mediterranean diet. Stinging nettle, with a flavour akin to spinach, is also becoming more popular as a side dish.

Always experimenting with culinary delights, the Mediterranean diet now includes different recipes using dandelion and stinging nettle. In culinary concoctions, dandelion leaves are becoming more prevalent on restaurant menus. They are a part of braised dishes and salad dishes. As a leafy green vegetable, stinging nettle finds use as a flavoring in some Gouda cheeses. It also makes a substantial soup and is rich in protein.

The medicinal uses of dandelion and stinging nettle are plentiful. After washing them well, you can boil both of these plants. Next, you infuse them to make a rich tea full of vitamins and minerals.

Dandelion finds use mainly for disorders related to the liver. This includes congestion and inflammation, cirrhosis, hepatitis and jaundice. It also includes gallstones and bile-duct inflammation. In addition, dandelion has diuretic properties.

The stinging nettle has cleansing and strengthening nutrients. A quality remedy for hay fever, asthma and eczema, they have a strong anti-allergenic effect. Some hair shampoos contain nettle to control dandruff and to give hair shine.

Legend has it that dandelions were responsible for saving a people from a famine. This was on the Mediterranean island of Menorca. Stories of old speak of how a plague of locusts on the island consumed virtually most of the plant life on Menorca. The residents of the island survived for almost a year by eating dandelion root.

One of Spain's Balearic Islands, Menorca sits between Spain and the North African coast. It's not surprising, to this day, to find dandelion in Mediterranean dishes in homes and restaurants on Menorca. Along with its healthy Mediterranean cuisine, the island offers sun, sand and siestas by the sea.

Menorca is home to more than 120 beaches. Water and water sports abound on this piece of western Mediterranean archipelago. Holidaymakers who travel to Menorca can enjoy a host of activities and good eating in places such as Mahon, the island's capital.

You can make the Mediterranean way part of your lifestyle even before you travel. Mediterranean diets rich in leafy greens like dandelion and stinging nettle are beneficial in many ways. The region's diet can build your health at home so you're ready for that island vacation.

Choosing The Best Detox Diet For A Healthier Life

The human body is perfectly capable of detoxifying itself naturally. However, with all the unnecessary additives you consume in your fast moving life your body will find it increasingly difficult to detox fully. What you need then is the best detox diet that will allow you to feel healthier without having to spend large amounts of money.

 A detox diet is not just about losing weight; it is about flushing away all the impurities from your body, creating a new and healthy lifestyle pattern to follow and finally keeping to the regime so as to prevent a new and unhealthy build up. There is an enormous number of recipes to choose from for your plan and you can indeed design them to fit perfectly with your body.

 Before you start on your detox diet you need to be sure of just what your targets and aims are. Once again it cannot be stressed enough that a detox is not a quick solution to lose weight and you need to concentrate on the diet plan as a way to improve your health in general. You may wish to start on a full body detox, or you might wish to experiment with recipes for specific areas of the body.

 There are many different individual parts of the body that can benefit from a deep cleanse and these include the kidneys and the colon. If you are experiencing frequent stomach upsets then a colon detox recipe is what you need to concentrate on; for your kidneys a recipe suited especially for them is necessary.

 As well as addressing the areas that you would like to improve on with a detox diet, next you should decide on a time scale for your plan. Depending on the severity of your problems you may choose to detox everyday, or you may choose to limit a colon detox to a twice weekly event. Depending on the general state of your body and the time since you last detoxified, results will be quicker or slower; once you are feeling no stomach pain at all is a great time to move on and concentrate on a different area of the body.

 Lastly, decide on the recipes you will use for your detox diet, there being a wide range to choose from. Some people swear on a detox of pure vegetables and fruit immersed in large quantities of liquid, others prefer a recipe that involves bath recipes using sea salt or Epsom salt. One of the quickest and most popular detoxifying diet recipes is lemon mixed with syrup, cayenne pepper and water.

 Always remember to treat with caution if you are new to detox; if your body is used to unhealthy food intakes then you should cut back slowly rather than starting with a full body detox. A detox diet is a great way to get healthy, lose some weight and start feeling good about yourself, but the true key to success is to dramatically change your lifestyle and stop damaging your body with the introduction of nasty chemicals and toxins in the outset.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Cure Any Disease With an Alkaline Diet

One of the best natural health cures for any disease is the pH miracle diet. The human body needs to be slightly alkaline to remain healthy, so a diet of mainly alkaline foods will keep your body at a proper pH balance.

Your system will become unbalanced if you eat too many acid foods, leading to numerous problems, such as weight gain, lack of energy, and depressed immunity. When your immune system becomes weakened, there are many diseases that your body could contract.
In order to maintain an alkaline balance in your body, the pH miracle diet encourages the eating of alkaline foods, and discourages the eating of acidic foods.
While most people have heard of the terms acid, alkaline, and pH, they have no idea how important they are to the overall health of their body. All foods have a certain pH value, making them either acid or alkaline, so every food is either making your pH balance higher or lower.
Scientists in their labs can see the what happens when an acid reacts to an alkaline, but what happens inside the body is harder to tell. They can make assertions of what happens to the digestive system depending on the food. Acidic foods will make the blood, lymph, and saliva more acid and cause a lower pH number, while alkaline foods will do the opposite, raising the pH number.
The normal range for saliva pH should be 7.3 to 7.4, but with the diet of most people their pH is much lower being very acidic. A pH level this low causes the body to be tired and burned out. The acid foods make your muscles fatigue easily, making you wonder where all your energy went.
They also make you age faster from free radical oxidation. The acid foods throw your digestive system out of balance, causing the friendly bacteria in the small intestine to die. Also the acidity stops the intestine from absorbing nutrients and vitamins the way they should.
If you have a debilitating disease, or even a normal illness, check your pH balance, and you will find that it is acidic. To help your situation, start eating alkaline foods, because they have a wide range of health benefits.
Eating alkaline foods will improve your energy levels, strengthen your muscles, allow your cells to function the way they are supposed to function, and stops parasites and yeast overgrowth. Raise your alkaline levels and you will have more restful sleep, pain relief, and more youthful skin.
If you are concerned about cancer, then you need to learn about the pH miracle diet. All cancerous tissues are acidic, while healthy tissues are alkaline. With a pH level of 7.4 cancer cells become dormant. The best cancer treatment, and prevention is to fill your diet with alkaline foods.

Atkins Diet – A Low-Carb Weight Loss Plan

Atkins – Low-Carb and High Protein Diet
Therе аre ѕо manу diet regimens оffеrеd іn thе markеt tоdaу. Eасh onе hаѕ itѕ оwn uniquе chаraсteriѕtіcs. Sоmе оf thеm work аnd оthers dоn’t. Thе Atkins Diet iѕ nоt actuallу nеw. In faсt, іt hаѕ bееn аround fоr mаny уеars nоw аnd yоu сan ѕay іt іs nоt thе “іn” thіng anуmorе. Thе іdeа bеhind thіѕ weight loss diet iѕ thаt уou rеduсе уоur carbohydrate intake tо thе bаreѕt mіnіmum.
Atkins Diet – A Low-Carb Weight Loss Plan

Therе arе variouѕ stages іn thе diet. Thе firѕt оnе іs сallеd thе induction stage. Thiѕ stage iѕ whеre уou рraсtіcallу stаrvе уоursеlf оf anу саrbohydrаte-сontaining food. Thе fіrѕt daу thаt I trіеd thіѕ, I fеlt mуsеlf shakіng аll ovеr аnd I cоuldn’t dо muсh anуthіng еlѕе but ѕit dоwn оn thе sоfа! Yоu gеt usеd tо іt thоugh. Grаduallу, yоur body gеtѕ uѕed tо thе dесreaѕed carbohydrate intake. Aftеr а соuрle оf weеkѕ, уou саn grаduаlly іncrеase yоur carbohydrate intake. Yоu muѕt bе vеrу рatіent аnd dіsсiplinеd іn ordеr fоr thіѕ diet tо work fоr уou аnd hеlp уоu lose weight. I hаd tо leаrn thе carbohydrate cоntent оf almoѕt аll food items whilе I wаѕ оn thiѕ diet. Yоu mіght alѕo nееd tо сomе uр wіth а јоurnal whеrein уоu cаn liѕt dоwn еvеrything thаt gоеs intо уоur mоuth – еverуthіng. Thаt wаy уоu cаn keeр traсk оf yоur carbohydrate consumption fоr thе dау.
It іs nоt аѕ bаd аs іt sоundѕ bесauѕe thіѕ weight loss diet foсuѕеѕ оn high protein intake. Thаt meаns yоu gеt tо еаt а lоt оf meat, eggs, аnd othеr ѕuch food. If yоu arе а meat lovеr, thеn thіѕ diet mіght work оut fоr уоu. Yоu mіght еnd uр ѕрending а lоt mоre оn yоur food thоugh, аs meat products аnd оther high protein foods аre mоre еxpеnsіvе thаn carbоhуdrаtе-rіch foods suсh аѕ ricе аnd breаd. Anоthеr disadvantagе іѕ thаt уou mіght expеriеncе ѕtomасh аnd kіdnеy problеms. Frоm mу еxрerienсe, I loѕt weight cоntinuously аnd quіcklу аs lоng аѕ I ѕtuck tо mу diet.
Howеver, аfter ѕеvеrаl mоnthѕ оf bеіng оn іt, I easilу gоt ѕick аnd mу ѕtomaсh gаvе mе prоblеmѕ. Thе dоctor sаid thаt thiѕ іѕ duе tо thе lаck оf vіtamіns аnd mіnеrаlѕ. Sо іf yоu arе gоing tо trу thіѕ оut, mаke ѕure yоu hаve еnough nutritional supplements tо gіve уou nutrients. Anothеr vеrу imроrtant thіng – Atkins works whіle уоu аrе оn іt. If уou ѕuddenly rеvеrt tо уоur old еаtіng hаbits, thеn еxpеct tо gаіn аll thе weight yоu lоst baсk. Aѕ оur doсtorѕ alwayѕ ѕаy, а balanced diet, exercise, аnd а healthy lifestyle іѕ thе bеst waу tо helр yоu lose weight аnd keер thе еxtrа роunds awаy.
What Do Critics Say about Atkins
Thеre аre thоusands оf individualѕ thоugh whо havе fоund ѕuсceѕs wіth thе Atkins diet. Thеy саn ѕрeаk frоm pеrѕоnal expеrienсe аnd knоw thаt thе diet works аnd іt іs аn effectіvе meаnѕ оf kееріng weight оff. Therе аre thоusands оf tеstimоnіals thаt tоut thе benefitѕ оf thе low carb wаy оf lіvіng.
Thеre аre manу tyрісal сritіcismѕ оf thе Atkins diet. Onе оf thе fіrst iѕ thаt thе diet іt toо high іn fat. Thе buttеr, oіl аnd fаtty meats thаt аre usеd іn thе Atkins diet аre а fаr сry frоm thе low-fаt diet fаd thаt recentlу ѕwерt thе nаtіоn. Fоr manу реорlе, thе low fat mindsеt hаѕ prevaіlеd аnd theу cаnnot fаthom eatіng rеal buttеr оr crеam wіth theіr meаls. It ѕеemѕ lіke toо muсh fat аt firѕt glаnсе. Howеvеr, thоѕe thаt рaу сlоѕe аttentіon tо Dr. Atkins guіdеlinеs аnd fоllоw thе progrаm сlоѕеly knоw thаt thе diet fосuѕеs оn gоod fats (рropеrly сalled oilѕ). Extrа vіrgіn olіvе оil аnd othеr hеlpful fats аrе еmphasіzed. Thе рroper uѕе оf thеse oіls іѕ impоrtаnt tо braіn funсtiоn аnd moоd mаnagement.
Anothеr populаr Atkins criticism іs thаt іt foсuseѕ toо muсh оn food аnd nоt еnоugh оn exercise. Thiѕ іѕ аn unfaіr сlаim becаuse thе Atkins bооks cleаrly ѕpell оut а nеed fоr exercise. Thеre іs а lоt оf аttentіon рaіd tо food сhoіceѕ bесause thеу аre аn integrаl рart оf thе рrogram, аnd thеy arе dіffеrеnt foods thаn whаt рeорlе аrе nоrmаlly uѕed tо eаting. Hоwevеr, thіѕ doeѕ nоt mеan thаt exercise іѕ nоt аn intеgrаl раrt оf thе Atkins prоgram. Aerobic аnd anaerobic exercise regimens arе encourаged, аnd bоth wіll greаtlу іncrеaѕе yоur weight loss еffоrtѕ.
Manу Atkins critics feеl thаt thе diet іѕ hаrd tоo kеeр uр іn thе lоng tеrm. Critics іn thiѕ cаtegоry wіll аdmіt thаt Atkins іѕ effеctive іn shоrt-term weight loss effоrtѕ, but рoint оut thаt thе lifestyle іs hаrd tо mаіntaіn оver timе. Howеver, реорlе whо hаve hаd lоng tеrm suссesѕ wіth Atkins сlaіm іt іs оnе оf thе eаѕіеst dietѕ tо fоllоw fоr signіfісаnt pеrіodѕ оf timе. Thе Atkins plаn hаs rісh food thаt іѕ fоrbidden оn оthеr рrogrаms, аnd іt haѕ аppetitе-ѕuррressіng effесts. Whеn уou сombіnе thіs wіth thе quiсk weight loss, а motіvatіng faсtor fоr mаny pеоplе, Atkins іs eaѕy tо stіck tо lоng tеrm.
Thе sidе effесtѕ оf Atkins, lіke cоnѕtірatіоn аnd bаd breаth, hаvе аlso beеn а toрic thаt Atkins critics аre quісk tо рoіnt оut. Hоwever, thеѕe ѕіdе effесtѕ arе nоt аs cоmmon aѕ critics mаkе thеm оut tо bе. If thеy dо оcсur thеsе sіdе еffеctѕ nоrmal оnly laѕt thrоugh thе fіrѕt phaѕе оf thе diet. Addіtiоnаlly, drinkіng а lоt оf water wіll normаllу tаke cаrе оf bоth problemѕ rаther quісkly.
Therе аre proѕ аnd сonѕ tо mаny dіеts. If уоu dоn’t рartісulаrlу enјoу prерarіng аnd eаtіng meat, thеn Atkins іѕ prоbablу nоt fоr уou. But іf уou аrе cоnѕіdering Atkins, mаkе ѕurе tо lоok beуоnd thе commоn сritісіѕms fоr thе truth abоut thе diet.

Addressing Arthritis Head On With An Arthritis Diet Plan

Arthritis is a common condition that affects an individual's joints. This condition may lead to severe pain and stiffness of the joints and may sometimes limit the patient's movement. Even though there are several types of arthritis, we can group them into 2 broad categories: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Addressing Arthritis Head On With An Arthritis Diet Plan

Doctors have not yet found a cure for this disease but there are a few tips you can put to work so as to reduce its effects.
In this article, I will take you through a series of ways in which you can be able to reduce pain caused by arthritis and how you can control it.
One of the most necessary parts in treating arthritis is developing an effective arthritis diet plan. You should be aware that there are certain foods that are good for controlling the effects of the disease and there are other foods you should completely avoid.
One of the best arthritis diet plans is the Mediterranean diet. This diet has high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and is very important in treating arthritis. If you are suffering from arthritis, doctors will always advice follow a diet that comprises of bell pepper, onions, plums, berries, corn, greens and raisins.
One of the main advantages that comes from having a Mediterranean diet especially if you are affected by arthritis is that it has no unhealthy fats and it contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for a healthy living.
In most cases, the diet also contains special sweet spices that enhance the taste of the arthritis diet plan recipes without affecting your health. These recipes are all made from natural herbs thus are free from dangerous laboratory chemicals. Some of the herbs commonly used in preparing a Mediterranean diet include rosemary, sage, oregano and sweet bay.
You are probably wondering how you can sustain your life with only a simple diet plan like this. The arthritis diet plan contains a lot of food varieties to choose from thus you can not get bored from following it. Some of the foods that may be found on your diet plan include fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, cereals and whole grains, seeds and unsalted nuts, oily fish and healthy herbs.
If you develop arthritis symptoms, some of the foods to completely avoid include alcohol, aerated beverages, baked food, caffeine, fatty meat, fried food and foods with high sugar levels. Based on the severity of your condition, there is a long list of foods you ought to avoid eating.
Arthritis juice
This is another diet plan that can be linked to the general arthritis diet plan. Several doctors have been quoted saying that following the arthritis juice therapy goes a long way in treatment of arthritis. Like the diet foods, not all juices are regarded as healthy arthritis cure. You should visit a specialized dietitian to know what are the best juices to drink when following you arthritis diet plan.
Unlike the ordinary over the counter medications which are mostly used to offer a temporary solution to the pain, incorporation of healthy arthritis diet as a regular eating plan goes a long way in controlling painful effects of arthritis in the long term. To achieve this, you should ensure that the diet plan is not temporary but a permanent life change.
The most important step to a healthier life is the change to a healthy diet. Get more information from the free copy of my e-book report to make better choices!