The Beta Switch Review

Monday 21 December 2015

Diet Plan for Stage 4 Lung Cancer Patients

Stage 4 lung cancer is already a close to death condition. Anyone who is suffering with this disease has no other option but to live most of the days they have left with their family. However, there are a lot of things they can do in order to survive longer while fighting against it. One of the best things that doctors advise to their patients is to always stay fit by switching to a healthier lifestyle. That actually includes the ability to stop smoking and avoiding hazardous chemicals that can worsen their situation. Another way is to prepare meals where they can benefit healthfully.
Among other ways to prevent stage 4 lung cancer, consuming foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients is very much essential. Patients must be careful of what they prepare most of the time. Since they will only have months left to live, they are at risk to any cancer causing foods that can lead to their death earlier than what the doctor told them. In order for them to have the best diet plan, they can ask their doctor of what fruits and vegetables they can benefit from the most. For examples, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower contains antioxidants that can fight against cancer. Mushroom can be added in soups since it has lectin.  A protein that can fight against abnormal cells and fight against cancer cells that grows rapidly.
Aside from exercising which is highly recommended to stage 4 lung cancer patients, they must always avoid foods that are rich in additives, or too much salt and sugar. Processed foods are not helpful as well.  A variety of fruits and vegetables is highly advisable. Apple is rich in flavonoids that can prevent lung inflammatory. Green tea, foods high in lycopene and lutein are also beneficent. Dairy products such as yogurt contains a package of nutrients. Economical and a great meal to prepare a meal that has protein content is to include eggs.
A healthy diet like organic, plant based whole foods and special category of foods found in nature are helpful to strengthen our immune system. It can attack other diseases and illness. If there is only a pill that contains all of the fruits and vegetables for a cancer diet plan, however there is none. For those who do not want to suffer from stage 4 lung cancer, we must follow the cancer diet plan now as advised to us by our doctor.

Diets That Works - Colour Diet

Very original and unconventional colour diet based on the results of several studies (not all scientists agree). Every day of the week you should use the same colour products. Colour diet allows you to lose about 5 kilograms per month and you can spend all your life using this diet.
Monday - white
Boiled potatoes, bananas, rice, milk, cheese mozzarella, spaghetti, coconut flesh, boiled chicken egg, chestnuts, cauliflower.
The “white” products contain many carbohydrates, so it is necessary to control the amount.
Tuesday - red
Red beans, tomatoes, cherries, red currants, basturma, dry red wine, red sweet peppers.
Such products as cranberry, beet, red grapes and berries get their colour from flavonoids, antioxidants more powerful than Vitamin C.
Flavonoids in red wine protect the heart.
Antotsiandins, the most powerful flavonoids, give the colour to red grapes, blueberries, blackberry and black currants.
Red increases blood circulation, increases muscular tone.
Wednesday - green
Vegetables, green herbs, kiwi, green tea, cucumbers, sea cabbage,
Brussels sprouts and broccoli - a rich source of chlorophyll and magnesium, necessary for the nerves, muscles and hormonal balance.
Thursday - orange
Carrots, papaya, salmon, mango, sea-buckthorn, pumpkin. Watermelon, carrots, mangoes, apricots, peaches, papaya and tomatoes contain carotenoids like beta-carotene, a likopen also have strong anti-cancer properties and prevent aging.
Friday - violet
Dark grapes, blackberry, blueberries, black currant, plum, tarragon.
Violet slows down the metabolism, causes drowsiness.
Saturday - yellow
Pineapple, peaches, apricots, sweet yellow peppers, courgettes, sweet yellow apples, corn, honey, beer, egg yolks. Corn and yellow peppers are rich of kartenoid (powerful antioxidants).
Yellow - the “ANTIPYRETIC” Switch thoughts about food for intellectual thought. And creates excellent mood!
Only mineral water.
Don’t forget to consult your doctor before applying any of these diet plans.

Nutrition & Fat Loss_ How To Diet Properly

Looking to lose fat or go on a diet regime that actually works? Then you have to follow some simple, proven techniques and strategies that can really help you shed those pounds!

The first and most important rule in weight loss is the amount of calories you eat. Forget the macro nutrients fat, carbohydrates and protein for the moment, you can cut out as much carbohydrate as you want, if you are eating too many calories from protein and fat you will not lose a milligram in weight.
You may have lost weight quickly in the past doing this, but did you put it back on? The majority of you will say yes. Why? The weight you lost during that diet was mostly water out of your body, you didn’t lose any fat or bodyweight. The body is about 60% water depending on body size, so it is quite easy to quickly drop weight without losing any fat.
To lose actual body fat you must cut your calories by about 500kcal below your daily usage.
Work out your daily calorie usage with our BMR calculator
Carbohydrates should consist of about 40% of your daily intake. Get rid of all those empty carbohydrate calories like sugar and processed foods and cereals. The bulk of your carbohydrates should come from real foods in their unprocessed state.
Great carbs to eat are:
Sweet potato
Brown rice
Brown pasta
Brown bread
Rolled oats
All vegetables
Far from cutting carbohydrates out of your diet they should be a vital part of it, especially if you a training at the gym to burn extra calories. The aforementioned slow release fibrous carbohydrates will keep you fuller for longer, give you bundles of energy and also keep you regular!
Simple carbohydrates such as dextrose, white potatoes, white rice etc can be taken post workout only. These carbohydrates will promote fat storage at other times of the day, but post workout are perfect for boosting energy levels and will not be stored as fat.
Protein should consist of about 40% of you daily intake
Protein is vital for active people and especially for those training regularly. Whilst losing weight we want to keep as much muscle mass as possible to appear toned. Protein will help rebuild muscle fibres after workouts and also keep you feeling fuller for longer
Great sources of protein are
Lean chicken breast without skin
Protein shakes
Egg whites
Basically all lean meats, fish, poultry etc!
For vegetarians good vegetable sources of protein are couscous, cottage cheese and wheat based products
Fat should consist of about 20% of you daily intake
Cut out virtually all saturated fats, these bad fats are terrible for you health and body composition. As a rule of thumb, any fat that is solid at room temperature steer clear of. Any fat that is liquid at room temperature is ok!
Foods that contain bad fats are
Fried food
Ready meals
You get the picture… basically staw away from all the food you know you shouldn’t be eating and also refrain from drinking fizzy drinks, even the ‘diet’ ones. The ingredients contained in these drinks will heavily promote fat gain and storage.
Good fats
Good fats are essential for healthy living and can help you lose body fat and beat cravings. The body needs these types of fat to perform literally thousands of processes in the body, including normal hormone production, which will aid in a desirable body composition.
Sources of good fats include:
Olives & Olive oil
Avocado & avocado oil

The Truth About Weight Loss Diet Patch Effectiveness

Lose weight without the sweat!

That is a weight loss diet patch is a promise, sold thousands of stores both local and online. Weight loss diet patch, according to some companies, is a revolutionary weight loss product designed to help people lose weight without diet and exercise. But how effective weight loss diet patch?
Weight loss diet patch is just one of the millions of weight loss products bombarding the market, indicating that there is a magic weight loss. These products boast of providing the fastest, painless and easiest way to lose weight. They also argue that a quick fix when it comes to weight problems.
How does it work?
Weight loss diet patch is topical medication. Clicking on the skin, rather than ingested, so the effect is faster because it does not transfer through the digestive system. When pressed on the skin, the patch releases chemicals that either increase metabolism or suppress the appetite. The chemical composition of each product is different, so be sure to check the labels before buying.
, Because diet watches on the skin, they can be hidden from the public eye and cause very little disturbance. You can wear them to work, while shopping, while doing household chores. In addition, diet patches are said to be 24-hour effect, so you do not have to keep changing it all day.
What is it?
Currently, the weight loss diet patch comes in different forms. There are weight loss patches that contain Hoodia, an active ingredient that helps suppress appetite and increase muscle mass. There is also a seaweed weight loss diet patch, which claims to help boost metabolism and suppress appetite.
Weight Loss Diet Patches can have one or more of the following:
and Fucus vesiculosus - natural sea plant extract mainly used for weight control
and 5 HTP helps prevent carbohydrate cravings that result in overeating.
o Guarana - Amazon Indians The chemical has been used as a stimulant and stress treatment
o Zinc Pyruvate - claims to enhance fat burning, boost endurance, increase lean muscle mass, decrease blood glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood.
and Mate - says eliminate hunger sensation
and Lecithin - helps break down fats and cholesterol, preventing arterial congestion. It also helps to cleanse the liver and flush the body of waste from the kidneys
and L-carnitine helps burn fat and convert it into energy
Does it work?
There is not yet enough research to support the weight loss diet patch is effective. Due to the large volume produced and sold every day, authorities are difficult to track every product that comes out. As a result, many fraudulent products have made it to the shelves.
Bogus patches
Despite these problems, the government has tracked down and closed several retailers selling fake weight loss patches on the market. According to reports, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) instructed the weight loss patch transdermal Brand Products International Marketing Corporation and its retailer, SG health and education, the Institute Inc., selling fake weight loss patches.
The Chinese government also sued the Chinese weight loss patch manufacturer of America's seven-point thinness. This weight loss patch is said to flush out fat from your system when you stick it on your skin. However, studies have shown that the patch is a special oil that looks like a thinking, it's your fat, which fools users.
Best Weight Loss Solution
Weight loss patches Most studies effectiveness is still inconclusive. Consumers should not be easily fooled requirements or potential customer comments about these weight loss patches. The best way to lose weight is, and always has been, eat less and exercise more. If you follow these two simple steps, you do not even need weight loss supplements or patches, and you can be sure that the effects are long-lasting.

Vegetarian Diet Does Not Make You More Spiritual

It's common for people in the New Age arena to believe the myth about a vegetarian diet and spirituality, that it's necessary to become enlightened.

The pro-vegetarianism contention goes something like this: "I am 100% for life and I love animals, so I avoid eating meat. Animals are my friends. Why would you eat your friends? A vegan diet brings more peace and enlightenment to every living being."
Or, the argument goes like this: "Eating meat is akin to murder. Plus, it's too heavy; plants are much lighter and better for your body, thus, your spirituality is enhanced on a strict vegetarian diet."
Never mind that there's never been a strict vegetarian civilization in the history of the planet that has survived for any length of time.
If it's true that eating meat is murder, that means that most animals, including humans, are murderers. That bacteria, those cute little micro-organisms you just killed by washing your hands? That makes you a murderer too, as does killing plants, which are also living organisms.
About twenty years ago, we learned firsthand about the myth of a vegetarian diet and spirituality. We avoided animal products for many months. Even though we took a careful approach, including doing internal cleansing along with the diet transition, in time we realized it's a dysfunctional diet for our body type.
A strict vegetarian diet brings you closer to God all right--it decimates your health if you stay on it long enough. It saps your energy, makes you vitamin deficient (e.g., vitamin a, and b-vitamins), and eventually, makes most people look and feel unhealthy.
It was very telling how much energy we had, bouncing off the walls, when we first had a vitamin b-12 supplement, after not having animal products for a long time--we were vitamin b-12 deficient. Unfortunately, supplements and toxic substances like processed, unfermented soy aren't good, long-term substitutes for the nutrition your body needs.
The concept of a vegetarian diet and spirituality has been warped beyond recognition, in our view.
Don't get us wrong, we do believe short-term vegetarianism can be very healthy, such as doing a vegetable juice fast for a while. We've done three week herbal cleanses (no meat or animal products, no starches, etc.) that we believe have been very helpful for detoxification and our overall health.
Dr. Mercola of advocates a vegan-rich diet, along with free-range, chemical-free meats. He claims that only less than 30% of the population has the body type that tolerates strict vegetarianism, or veganism. We believe it may be lower than 30%, based on our observations. Even those who say, "I had my blood-work done, it shows I'm fine," may be fine for now, but the longer you avoid vitamin rich animal products, the more likely your health may suffer.
Here's a video from a former vegetarian who speaks of the dangers of a strict vegan diet. She says that after a year of an approximately 95% vegan diet, she felt great, but then her health began to decline:
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It's astonishing how many people buy into the vegetarian diet and spirituality myth and erroneously believe it's more spiritual, when the exact opposite is true for most people.
We've meditated regularly and undertaken other spiritual disciplines, such as Reiki, for many years and we can assure you that eating a diet that works for your body, even if it includes animal products, won't negatively affect your spiritual growth or cause you to incur negative karma.
While it's true that it's not easy to meditate and get closer to your God-self (or higher-self, etc.) after eating a huge steak dinner, avoiding meat altogether is likely to negatively affect your health over the long-term.
It's okay to have believed the falsehood about a strict vegetarian diet and spirituality, but now you should act on the truth.
Vegetarian Diet Does Not Make You More Spiritual

What Happens When You Get Too Little Protein in Your Diet

Proteins are composed of long chain like forms of amino acids. Amino acids are basic and fundamental to life. As a chemical compound, it is made of amine and carbonyl functional groups. To put it simply, they are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and on some rare occasions, sulfur. These four or five materials build themselves into various chain-like structures and form different types of protein. Protein is the life line of human health.

Human cells, muscle tissue, and the organs of the body are made up of protein. Long chains of amino acids are structured to make different types of proteins. There are 22 types of amino acids and the human body needs all of them to be healthy.

Different types of proteins in our body execute different body functions. Our body's strength, its flexibility and elasticity are taken care of by a protein called collagen, and our hair and skin are composed of the same protein.

Proteins we consume through food are broken down into amino acids in the process of digestion and absorbed by the body only to be rebuilt into different types of proteins that are the requirement of the body. There are twenty two kinds of amino acids essential for the human body. And in that 14 are produced by the body and the remaining 8 are to be obtained though food.

Complete and incomplete Proteins

A protein that can be obtained through one food source like a meat or dairy product is called a complete protein. A complete protein is obtained generally though meat, diary products, eggs, fish and poultry. Vegetables, fruits and nuts do not contain all the essential proteins in one food items and so it is termed as incomplete.

Importance of Proteins

For proper growth, sustenance and repair of body cells, for the health of muscles, tissues, organs and for body function like metabolism, digestion, transportation of nutrients and oxygen through blood circulation, proteins are imperative.

Apart from that more importantly for the production of antibodies, or in other words, antibodies are little soldiers who fight any infection that invades into our body and fights diseases and makes us healthy. The healthy skin and shining hair of which we are proud of is due to the proteins.

Too little Protein means ill health

Like our grand mothers say often, 'anything too much or too little is harmful' is absolute truth in case of protein. Too much protein intake leads to many uncomfortable physical complications just as too little of protein intake can lead to complications.

Protein is needed to repair and create new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes and muscles and lack of protein would impair these important body functions leading to grave situations. Many foods which supply protein do contain certain other minerals and vitamins like iron, a lack of which creates an eternal tiredness and fatigue. The person who lacks iron feels weak and becomes listless with lack of energy.

Physical activities consume protein daily, and so it is essential to give regular supply of protein to the body daily. And too little protein can cause severe skin ailments and would make you look lusterless and pale.

Children need a lot of protein as they are in the phase of growing and insufficient protein in children hampers their growth very much.

For a period of time if the body fails to get sufficient amount of protein through food, it starts breaking the muscles which contain large amount of protein to fulfill its need. This means eroding of the muscle and it is generally known as muscle wasting. And prolonged such situation leads to a vicious cycle of protein energy malnutrition where in when the body does not get any other source of energy, body's muscles and organs a re broken down for energy. The digestive system suffers with the loss of cell lining which is important for absorption of nutrients from the digested food. Thus a vicious cycle of poor diet and insufficient absorption of nutrients from food lead to severe body wasting.

So, too little protein intake is dangerous and very harmful to health.

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The Ultimate Six Pack Abs Diet

Six Pack Abs Diet Tips

When your goal is to get shredded six pack abs, sticking with the correct six pack abs diet will be essential to your success. On the other hand, if you fail to feed your body the right foods, you will not get the results you want -- no matter how hard you work out.
When you make poor choices with your six pack abs diet, it's easy for you to eat a surplus of calories in a short period of time -- and this can make it virtually impossible for you to get the abs you want.
I will now explain five foods that are tremendous for your dietary needs, when your mission is to attain rock-solid, ripped six pack abs.
Egg Whites
For a convenient and fast source of protein, egg whites are the answer. Make an egg white omelette, or scramble them. I find them to be delicious, and more importantly they are 100% pure protein and will handle this element of your six pack abs diet.
Also, your body will digest egg whites rapidly. This makes them an alternative to making shakes with protein powder.
The second six pack abs food to add to your diet regularly is oatmeal.  As far as slow digesting, high fiber carbohydrate sources go, nothing is better than oatmeal.  Be sure you purchase plain oats though; otherwise you will get a lot more sugar and calories than you bargained for.
Ideally you should have oatmeal at times in the day when you are most active since its then that your body can really use the extra fuel.
Getting essential fatty acids each day is important in your quest for six pack abs.  Salmon is perfect food to handle this part of your diet and will also provides much-needed protein.
Ounce for ounce, salmon contains more calories than other sources of protein such as chicken breast. Just be sure to consider this when you're calculating your daily intake of calories. This will keep you on track to keep melting fat off your midsection.
My diet always includes this vegetable, because it is really low in calories while being high in fiber and having plenty of antioxidants -- which help you to maintain your health. Personally, I prefer to steam or stir-fry my broccoli with low-calorie sauce -- because when you eat your broccoli with butter or cheese sauce, it stops being a good type of food for getting six pack abs and becomes one that will likely cause you to gain fat!
Just be aware that broccoli can cause gas or bloating in some individuals, so I advocate working it into your diet slowly at first to see its effects on you.
Finally, the last food that I recommend that you eat regularly is blueberries. They contain a huge amount of antioxidants and will really help you to maintain good health. As there are merely 50 calories in a half cup, they're super easy to add to your diet -- just toss some in your bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Or, you can stir them into your yogurt or blend them into your protein shake before going to the gym.
Start integrating these six pack abs foods into your daily food intake, and they will help you get the results you are after. Keep in mind that you need to stay aware of the number of calories you take in each day, to make sure that you are always on track with your mission -- which is to be healthy, of course, but also to attain ripped six pack abs through a proper six pack abs diet.